Tub Time #1 feat. Phoenix Rising

I’ve recently realized that despite my utter adoration for baths (especially in the depth of winter) I rarely share my love for them with you outside of empties posts. Well, that is changing as of right now! This series was inspired by my friend Natalie, who does a very similar series called “Bathtime Beauty” – thanks for the inspiration, girl!

Tub Time

This particular tub session was in the peak of my terrible chest cold so I was searching for something that might loosen the nasty mucus that was gathering in my body. LUSH Phoenix Rising Bath Bomb may not be the first thing that pops into your mind for this purpose – I was looking for something a bit more eucalyptus-y – but all of the cinnamon packed in there really was nice to sit in. I forgot to take a photo of the bath water but it turned a beautiful dark berry colour with just a hint of bubbles to satisfy my craving. There is glitter in this one but I didn’t notice it all which is good for those of us who aren’t the hugest glitter fans.

While soaking I decided to try out one of the masks I got in my Memebox and a hydrating sheet mask sounded just right. The Shara Shara Mung Bean Mask didn’t have a scent, which I appreciated, and it fit my face really well so I didn’t worry about it falling off at all, even when I had to readjust the sound on my laptop. (Gilmore Girls is the best bath companion, for those of you wondering.) This mask left my skin feeling so hydrated. There was quite a bit of product left on my face, even after sitting in the tub for almost an hour, so I massaged that in and went to bed. The next morning my skin was the happiest I’ve seen it in a while – supple, almost glowy. Just pleased in general.

A bath would hardly be a bath without using a yummy smelling body lotion after. I still have about half a bottle of Vanilla Bean Noel Body Lotion from Bath and Body Work’s Christmas Collection and though I don’t use it often (I’m trying to preserve it…) that night felt like a night where I wanted to smell like a cookie. This is by far my favourite lotion, Christmas or no. It’s light-weight but gives my skin a good dose of moisture and it sinks in fast enough that by the time I’ve brushed my teeth I am good to put my pj’s on. And the cookie scent really is lovely.

What is your favourite bath product right now? I’m always looking for new bath things to try!

10 thoughts on “Tub Time #1 feat. Phoenix Rising

  1. Ahhhh, been wanting to try Phoenix Rising for the longest time now! I was just thinking the other day how I need to take more baths, now that I’m an ~unemployed university graduate~, haha (ALLL THE FREE TIME!) BRB HITTING UP MY LOCAL LUSH

    Also, putting on a show is most definitely the best way to keep track of time in the tub, heh.

    • When you said “putting on a show” I totally just imagined rubber ducks in top hats doing a play. Oh, brain.

      (Also take a sniff of Butterball and the honey bath bomb from LUSH. They are my faves!)

        If only, dude. If only.

        I usually gravitate towards the citrusy bath bombs+bars, but I’ll check those two out next time when I feel like braving into Lush! (Because they do have aggressive sales associates ;-;)

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