Lush Bath Time!

Today I wrote my last final of the term! Wooohooooo! I felt so light and happy after I walked out and Dylan and I spent the early evening wandering around the city, mostly with the intention of picking up groceries, but also just putzing. I decided that I was going to treat myself and pick up some bath bombs from Lush, because it had been a while and last term really took its toll on me. So I figured I deserved a fantastic smelling bath.

Lush Haul

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REVIEW | Video Game – Remember Me

First of all, I am now on Bloglovin! If you have an account, you can follow me there. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I am nearing the end of finals, which means that I’m having a lot of motivation issues. The fact that we currently have a subscription to Playstation Plus doesn’t help either. Nor does the fact at this month’s free downloads for PSP actually feature some games that I’m really excited about. The last three days I’ve been just about non-stop playing Remember Me and I am absolutely loving it.

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A Lazy Day

Yesterday, Dylan and I had a lazy day together where we watched movies all day. It has been a really long time since we’ve just sat and enjoyed each others company without our computers, video games, school or other projects to distract us. And finals are definitely starting to loom, but they’re far enough away (or at least, they feel like it) that I could ignore that feeling and just enjoy the day.

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Vibrancy in Spring

Today Dylan and I presented our proposal for the Vibrant Communities Design Competition and I am both so relieved to have most of this competition behind me and sad that it’s almost over – I had a lot of fun, even though it was so much work to create a pretty rendering and to do the proposal itself. The public presentation is next week and that is when we’ll find out the winners as well. I think I’m going to be more nervous for that than I was today!

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